As a member of the virtual platform, we provide document processing so you can spend more time with the people you love, doing the things that bring you the most joy!

Our agents are provided with a copy of the client contract which outlines your pay rate and contractual minimum requirements. A copy of your client contract is kept on file for the time frame in which you provide services to the client.​ You will also receive a detailed report outlining all bonuses and incentives offered.

When you partner with QC Virtual Solutions, you will be required to complete a W9 and 1099 tax form. Form W-9 is what an independent contractor fills out and provides to us. Form 1099 has details on the wages an employer pays to an independent contractor. This form is filed with the IRS and state tax authorities.

You may also want to speak with a tax consultant before filing taxes using the 1099 tax form you receive from QC Virtual Solutions for your services, and we will provide you with a list of reputable tax professionals.